

Sustainability Quiz

Take our Sustainability Quiz and gain insights into your environmental impact.

1 / 9

Category: Beginner Level:

Which of the following is NOT a renewable energy source?

2 / 9

Category: Beginner Level:

What is the term used for the "3 Rs" of waste management?

3 / 9

Category: Beginner Level:

Which everyday action has the biggest impact on reducing your carbon footprint?

4 / 9

Category: Intermediate Level:

What is the term used for the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature?

5 / 9

Category: Intermediate Level:

What is the leading cause of ocean plastic pollution?

6 / 9

Category: Intermediate Level:

Which sustainable practice involves minimizing the use of resources throughout a product's lifecycle?

7 / 9

Category: Advanced Level:

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations?

8 / 9

Category: Advanced Level:

How much % of a mobile phone can be recycled?

9 / 9

Category: Advanced Level:

What is one of the areas of the ocean called where marine debris (garbage) has combined due to ocean currents?

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